Are you like me and enjoy getting cards in the mail? In a sea of junk mail and bills, a card is such a simple thing that really stands out to the person receiving it. Sending a card is a small gesture that shows just how much you care about that special person in your life. With World Card Making Day coming up on October 1st, celebrate by making and sending a handmade card to someone who could use a little recognition, love, or just a boost (which is anyone, really!).
In celebration of World Card making Day, from October 1-5, Stampin’ Up! is offering 25% off on some special card-making essentials which can be used all year long! Check out the following specials, than visit my Stampin' Up! Online Store to order or contact me at [email protected]!
Item |
Description |
Discount |
Retail Price |
Sale Price |
138339 |
2015-2017 In Color Card stock |
15% |
$8.00 |
$6.80 |
141413 |
2016-2018 In Color Card stock |
15% |
$8.00 |
$6.80 |
141697 |
2015-2017 In Color Envelope Paper |
25% |
$11.00 |
$8.25 |
141698 |
2016-2018 In Color Envelope Paper |
25% |
$11.00 |
$8.25 |
133774 |
Envelope Punch Board |
25% |
$20.00 |
$15.00 |
141651 |
Designer Tin of Cards Project Kit |
25% |
$27.00 |
$20.25 |
129027 |
Fast Fuse Adhesive Refill – Buy a Fast Fuse Adhesive (item 129026) and get a Refill for FREE! |
$7.50 |
FREE with purchase of Fast Fuse Adhesive |
Happy Stamping,
If you would like to purchase any of the items from the Stampin' Up! 2016-17 Annual Catalog or current Seasonal Catalog, just visit My Online Store and click on the Shop Now button today!
To order Stampin' Up! product on-line 24/7, or to become a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for only $99, click here now